Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Originally uploaded by bhorn


Originally uploaded by bhorn


Originally uploaded by bhorn


Originally uploaded by bhorn

UCSC Kresge reunion 2008

Originally uploaded by bhorn
These old photos were at the 2008 Kresge reunion and brought back some good memories. Unfortunately I only had a little pocket camera and it was dark so these are probably the worst looking copies up on my flickr site.

Sean is now a bronze caster in Santa Cruz. I believe these were from Kresge day around 1983 or 1984.

Monday, April 07, 2008

Partial Albino Squirrel

Partial Albino Squirrel
Originally uploaded by bhorn
For the past few years we have had one or two partially albino squirrels who live around the garage at UCSC. One of these days I'll need to remember to bring my good camera to get a photo. It is always too dark under the trees to get a good photo of such a fast moving critter with my point and shoot.

Santa Cruz Earthquake Memorial

Santa Cruz Earthquake Memorial
Originally uploaded by bhorn
I was glad to see that three of the four paintings in the earthquake memorial in downtown Santa Cruz had been replaced as of a week or two ago but was saddened to see that one of them is already missing, possibly broken from the looks of it. I wish there was some way to make them more permanent. I assume the fourth one is of the cooperhouse right?