Friday, March 17, 2006

Kresge College Memories Part 2

Here is a flickr set I am starting about Kresge. I'll add more as I go along.

My first year at Kresge, 77-78, There were still many students seniors and juniors living on campus. The rents were cheap then and because of the low enrollment at UCSC in general, it was easy to get a spot on campus. When I came back in 81 after spending a few year at Foothill College and San Jose State, it was much harder to stay in on-campus housing your whole four years. This, combined with the fact that most of the people who founded Kresge had left and that the campus was involved in a major push to make its image more conservative, meant that there was little continuity and the students who came in later had very little connection to or understnding of the original goals of the college.

I myself had only a hazy understanding of it due to the factors I mentioned in part one of this story. Bateson had left Kresge the year before, only Michael Kahn was left of the prime movers and I think he was a little weary of the experiment.

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