Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Kid Lore

When I take the bus to work I usually pass a group of kids and parents waiting for the Davenport bus on Mission Street. Whenever a truck drives by the kids pull down on an imaginary cord in the air asking the truck drivers to blow their air horns.

We used to do this when I was a kid. Only on in 5-10 truck drivers responded then. These kids got replies from almost every truck.

What I want to know is, was this kid lore passed down from parent to child or from kid to kid? If it is from kid to kid, that means there is an unbroken line of kids from at least the 60s until now who passed this on. What other kid lore is passed on like this?

Do trucks still have cords to trigger their air horns or do they now all have buttons?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For me it was parent to kid...
